百万遍から Hyakumanben
市バスCity bus 206番、201番
祇園(Gion)下車get off
南へ700m歩く Go to South side
Along the HIGASHI OJI street
「AMAZING KYOTO」(小学館)のトップに安井金毘羅宮が!
YASUI KONPIRA-GU shrine become the top page of the book "AMAZING KYOTO" (Shogakukan).
Though we still did an introduction called deep Kyoto five years ago when we opened this guesthouse. It becomes major. Oh, don't you know it yet!
There is the Break up and Make up Monument. You should write a wish and pass this loss. You can find a lot of scary scary words written on Ema (a votive horse tablet). It is really interesting.