桜といえば、私の中では鴨川沿いの桜並木が一番。山桜から始まって、ソメイヨシノ、八重へ。お弁当とおやつ、小さな敷物そしてビールを持ってそぞろ歩きする。植物園あたりまで歩いてもいいし、高野川沿いに修学院までというのもいい。なにしろ六条あたりまでつながっている。のびやかな桜の宴。(写真 堺健氏)
Speaking of a cherry tree, a row of cherry blossom trees along Kamogawa is the first among me. It will begin with a wild cherry tree; and to Yoshino cherry tree and Yae cherry tree. I stroll around under the cherry tree with a lunch and snacks, a small carpet and beer. It is nice walking to the botanical garden area along KAMO river or to Shugakuin area along Takano stream. This cherry‐tree‐lined path stretch along to Rokujo area.Cherry-Viewing Party is free and gorgeous.